
Dykes on Bikes® Melbourne is run by a team of passionate volunteers.  

We do our best to respond to all inquiries as quickly as possible, but please allow up to 7 days for a reply. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

Use the links below to email a specific committee member.

President - T-Rex

Vice President - Rose

Secretary - Larissa

Treasurer - Patt

Media Officer - Vacant

Membership - Reah

Events & Fundraising - Vacant

Merch Officer - Raelene

Ride Coordinator - Viv

Technical Officer - Alex

Get in Touch

Respect to our LGBTQIA+ Elders

We pay our respects to those amongst the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and intersex communities who have worked to support the improved health and wellbeing of their peers, children, families, friends, and country. 

We honour the elders in the diverse communities of which we are a part, and we celebrate the extraordinary diversity of people's bodies, genders, sexualities, and relationships they represent.