Meet Rose!
1. What is your name (or your nick name)? Rose, no nick name.
2. What are your pronouns? She / Her
3. When did you become a member? I joined DoBM in March 2014, I had also been a previous member of DoBV.
4. What bike do you ride? My current bikes are a 2022 Indian Scout 1300 and a 2021 Honda Cub 125.
5. How long have you been riding? And what got you interested? I started riding when I was 42. My older sister had a bike when I was still in High School, she would pick me up after school. The nuns did not approve! I loved the idea of doing something just for me. To try something that I never thought I'd do. I wanted to challenge myself.
6. What is the most important thing you have learnt so far being a part of Dykes on Bikes Melbourne? I have my chosen family there to have fun with, they lift me up and fill my cup.
7. What is your favourite song and why? Abba - Dancing Queen, it was the first dance I danced with my wife after we were married.
8. Where’s your favourite place in the world? Recently, I went to Japan. Oh wow! Amazing. But going anywhere with my wife, whether it's camping in our van, Clementine, or travelling the world, I love it. We're heading to Europe & the Greek Islands in April. To say I can't wait is an understatement. However, our home is the best place in the world, just me & Di.
9. What is so empowering to you about riding a motorcycle? And how has riding transformed other areas of your life? I love riding in formation with DoBM, being part of a gang, liked-minded chicks. There is nothing that can explain the feeling. Long rides, short rides, meals together, weekends away, I love it all. Riding with DoBM has helped me understand what I'm capable of and what I can achieve. It has given me confidence in grabbing what I want out of my life.
10. What is the best advice you’ve ever been given? Not so much advice but a few sayings to live by. "What others think of you is none of your business." And "We drink different cups of tea with different people, some we drink black tea, some green tea and some chai". Meaning we get different things from different relationships and that's OK. I find with DoBM I am my most authentic me.
11. What gets you out of bed on a Sunday morning? Sunday brunch or a ride are the best reasons for me to get out of bed. Brunch with my beautiful wife, my children and/or friends or riding with the crew, amazing!
12. What’s your life motto? My life motto is "It's all good". Meaning, everything will be ok. It will all work out in the end.
13. Which pride parade would you love to ride in? To ride in San Francisco Pride is my dream. Hopefully, I will fulfil this on the 50th anniversary in 2026.
14. What is your dream bike? Make/Model/Year and why? I have her now. My Cherry Bomb, 2022 Indian Scout. She is beautiful.
15. What do you wish other people knew about DoBM? The camaraderie, the sisterhood. That we love to ride. That we are cool (in our own lunchboxes - lol). That we will stand up & protect our community. We will show up, always.